Precious Metals Investment Research Resources

Precious Metals Investment

Contact Us: 504-858-GOLD (4653)

Precious Metals Investment Research Resources

Contact Us: 504.858.GOLD (4653)

The Silver Institute in a non-profit organization founded in 1971 that is dedicated exclusively to research and information surrounding the silver market. This organization is the global authority on all things silver. Here you can investigate a number of key statistics concerning the silver market such as: supply and demand fundamentals, industrial uses of silver, uses of silver in the jewelry industry, global silver mining output, and other silver related news. Each year they publish a free world silver survey that is a key piece of information for any silver investor.

The World Gold Council is the leading global source for all information surrounding the international gold market. It is a unique organization that provides access to information about international gold markets and provides statistics concerning gold investment. The organization provides a free source of statistics regarding all things gold such as: supply and demand statistics, liquidity data, price and performance, industry uses, mining output, and other news related to the gold market. Their website offers a Gold Hub that provides users a concise one-stop shop to analyze all information necessary to understand the international gold market.

The London Bullion Market Association is the world’s authority on precious metals. They are the standard setting organization that defines how precious metals are refined and traded around the world. They ensure the quality and integrity of precious metals. The organization ensures the integrity of precious metals beginning with the process of being mined, refined, transported, stored, and finally sold. The association forms a good delivery list which defines what is acceptable when it comes to the appearance and shape of precious metals bars and is considered the international standard for gold and silver. They also create a global precious metals code which is a code of conduct that promotes a fair, effective, and transparent market to ensure integrity throughout the international precious metals market. Their website provides data sets on daily precious metals prices, vault holdings, and clearing statistics. 

The Chicago Mercantile Exchange is the world’s leading derivatives and futures contract market. This market is located in Chicago Illinois and it the clearing house for all futures contracts on commodities in the United States. The CME is where all precious metals future contracts trade.

Most people are unaware that in September 2014 China launched its own gold exchange to compete with the long-standing London Gold Exchange. In 2016 the Shanghai Gold Exchange launched a new Shanghai gold fixed price aimed at establishing a market-wide price in Asia. Like the LBMA, the SGE provides trading, clearing, delivery and vaulting services of gold, silver and platinum. SGE trading products include physical bullion trading, deferred trading, forward, swap, option and leasing products. The SGE website provides information concerning precious metals trading in ASIA.

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New Orleans, LA 70112


504.858.GOLD (4653)

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M-F 9:00am – 6:00pm
SAT 10:00am – 4:00pm